Homeowners and developers needs to have mold inspection and testing done in order ensure mold removal is completed throughout their properties if needed.

Mold has to have moisture to grow. With the rainfall throughout the months of December through March in Oceanside there is often the possibility of small roof leaks or leaks through the foundation of your property. These leaks combined with the warm climate can lead the growth of mold.

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Our professional Oceanside inspectors will perform a visual inspection of your property and will look not only for mold, but will check for any water damage that may lead to mold as well. Water damage and mold can devastate the structure of a home and need to be repaired as quickly as possible.

Ridding a home of mold should always be performed by a professional in order to assure that all mold and potential damage has been removed. Indoor-Restore Environmental Services professional mold technicians know how to properly eliminate mold effectively and safely to the environment.

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Common household cleaners such as bleach may make it appear as if the mold has been removed, but it will not prevent it from spreading and continuing to grow.

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Seeking mold removal services? Contact us today!

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Our Oceanside professionals work with a 5 step mold removal process that includes the following:

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Step 1: All areas that are found to be contaminated with mold will be maintained and any mold spores or allergens that are in the air will be ensnared and eliminated with the use of a HEPA filtration system

Step 2: Areas that have material infected by mold are carefully removed from the property

Step 3: A special biocide is used to not only disinfect the areas affected by mold, but also to prevent mold from continuing to grow


Step 4: Once the biocide has been used, the areas are then sealed with a unique anti-fungal sheathe. These areas include studs, wall boards and other areas that may have cracks in them that could become a haven for mold growth

Step 5: Once this is complete our mold removal experts will then perform a final sterilization that will assure mold removal and remediation

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Once the mold removal and remediation has been completed on your property we will then offer a 10 year warranty and we always stand by our work by honoring our warranty and work performed on all properties that we service.

[/wc_column][wc_column size=”one-third” position=”last”] [counters_circle] [counter_circle filledcolor=”#d47828″ unfilledcolor=”#ffffff” size=”85″ speed=”1200″ value=”100″]10 Years[/counter_circle] [/counters_circle] [/wc_column][/wc_row] [tagline_box backgroundcolor=”” shadow=”no” shadowopacity=”0.1″ border=”1px” bordercolor=”” highlightposition=”top” link=”” linktarget=”_self” buttoncolor=”” button=”” title=”” description=”Prompt treatment for any suspected mold is essential to eliminate the possibility of damage to a property as well as a adverse reactions to the health of those who are in the property.” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″][/tagline_box] [wc_row][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”first”]

Indoor-Restore Environmental Services hires only certified professionals who will not only complete necessary mold testing, but will also make sure that each client has an understanding of the dangers of mold to both the structure of the property as well as the potential health risks associated with mold. Mold will not affect everyone in a home but it does often affect young children who do not have fully developed immune systems and the elderly who may have weakened immune systems due to aging or medication.

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Oceanside, California is located on California’s beautiful Southern coast and is home to nearly 185,000 residents. There are close to 70,000 homes in Oceanside with over 75,000 residents renting as they attend school, work with the military, and raise families in the family oriented city. Mold has often been a large issue in Oceanside due to the humidity levels that range between 45% and over 100% daily throughout the year. With An influx of new residents relocating to sunny Oceanside each year, new home development has been on the rise over the last five years.

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