The combination of high humidity and moisture makes Palmdale, California more prone to mold development indoors requiring the need of mold inspection and mold testing services.
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Welcome to Palmdale, the fastest growing large city in California. The increasing population is lured in by the abundance of urbanized venues and activities. For those interested in engineering, history, or aviation, there is the Joe Davies Heritage Airpark at Palmdale Air Force Plant 42 where you can see and learn about various aircrafts that were designed, created, and tested at Palmdale. The Antelope Valley Mall appeals to shopaholics with over 140 stores within a 1,000,000 sq. mile area, while the Mountain High Ski Resort attracts athletes and sporty individuals.
Palmdale is also the third stage of the Amgen Tour of CA bicycle race. The active and diverse social scene in Palmdale and picture-perfect weather create a comfortable, friendly environment for residents and visitors. With these ideal living conditions and with so many places to visit, and so many activities to do, it is no wonder Palmdale’s city motto is “A Place to Call Home.” Unfortunately, Palmdale is not just a home for people; it is also a home for molds.
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There is, on average, over 300 days of sunshine and only eight inches of average precipitation. The humidity is at its lowest around August at about 15%, while the highest humidity of about 81% occurs in February. And coincidentally enough, the most rainfall transpires during the second month of the year as well. The warm temperatures contribute to drying out air and existing mold colonies, which may stimulate the mold to release mold spores into the air, posing breathing hazards.
The cost of living in Palmdale is extremely affordable with a consolidation of modern housing developments and nostalgically attractive precincts. The older buildings, while still aesthetically pleasing, can have many favorable circumstances for the breeding and cultivating of mold and mildew. For example, older roofs and infrastructures can allow excess water and moisture to seep into crawlspaces and hard to reach areas, such as beneath floors and behind walls. Older ventilation systems make unpleasant odors caused by mold growth more prevalent and keep that musty air inside. Older windows are also more opaque, letting in less light and creating a dimmer ambiance which molds love to thrive in. The city, which is still relatively new compared to other California cities, is also currently undergoing construction to revitalize and modernize city structures. The newer constructions have a more locked-in insulation preventing contaminated outside air from infiltrating, but trapping moisture and stale air inside. This indoor environment stimulates the growth of mold in dark, damp spaces.
[wc_row][wc_column size=”two-third” position=”first”]Licensed mold inspection services in Palmdale, CA!
[/wc_column][wc_column size=”one-third” position=”last”] [button link=”/wordpress/contact-us” color=”default” size=”small” target=”_self” title=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″](866) 358-3838[/button] [/wc_column][/wc_row]Palmdale is also extremely susceptible to strong earthquakes as it is located in close proximity to the San Andreas Fault. Earthquakes can easily damage buildings and plumbing systems. If left unidentified or unfixed, the moisture, humidity, and debris can combine to stimulate the formation of mold colonies and the release of additional mold spores. Any physical contact with these molds, or ingestion or inhalation of spores, can pose great hazards.
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Since Palmdale is one of the fastest growing cities in California, there is a pretty large population. This abundance of people benefits the economy, but causes extreme traffic along the highways. In fact, Palmdale’s average commute time, at 41.5 minutes, is the longest time in the entire United States. The continual release of exhausts and pollution by trucks and automobiles congested on the highways contribute to poor air quality. The dirty, musky winds create contaminated air which can augment the effects of mold or assist mold in flourishing and dispersing.
Some molds yield allergies and allergic reactions; other molds produce poisonous mycotoxins that can get trapped in the air and inhaled into nasal cavities, or lungs, which can cause harmful infections or respiratory tract complications. If you see unusual stains, smell mold, or experience long-term, unknown medical conditions, contact a mold inspection company immediately. Fortunately for you, Indoor-Restore Environmental Services, a professional mold inspection company, can test, identify, treat, and eliminate all molds in any area of your building or home.
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As a professionally licensed mold inspection company and certified member of the Indoor Environmental Association (IEA), Indoor-Restore Environmental Services guarantees you quality and affordable mold testing services based on over 20 years of mold inspection expertise.
Our specialized mold inspection consultants and extensively trained employees provide you accurate information and assessments in order to identify the derivation of your mold problems. We carefully examine the premises, and identify the type of mold that inhabits your dwelling, in order to use the safest and most potent procedures to eradicate the fungus. We also detect for water damaged areas caused by leaky plumbing to avoid further development of mold in those damp environments. In addition to our mold tests, we offer tests for air quality, contaminants, and moisture.
[wc_row][wc_column size=”one-fourth” position=”first”][counters_circle] [counter_circle filledcolor=”#f0ab1e” unfilledcolor=”#ffffff” size=”150″ speed=”1300″ value=”100″]Services[/counter_circle][/counters_circle] [/wc_column][wc_column size=”three-fourth” position=”last”] [fontawesome icon=”chevron-sign-right” circle=”no” size=”small” iconcolor=”#d47828″ circlecolor=”#000000″ circlebordercolor=””animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″]Visual mold inspection of entire property & areas of concern. [fontawesome icon=”chevron-sign-right” circle=”no” size=”small” iconcolor=”#d47828″ circlecolor=”#000000″ circlebordercolor=””animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″]Indoor air quality testing with variable outdoor air quality testing. [fontawesome icon=”chevron-sign-right” circle=”no” size=”small” iconcolor=”#d47828″ circlecolor=”#000000″ circlebordercolor=””animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″]Surface samples collected for third-party laboratory mold testing. [fontawesome icon=”chevron-sign-right” circle=”no” size=”small” iconcolor=”#d47828″ circlecolor=”#000000″ circlebordercolor=””animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″]Complete, detailed report of inspector’s notes and lab results. [/wc_column][/wc_row]If Palmdale is the “Place You Call Home” and your home is currently being disturbed by mold and fungus, contact Indoor-Restore Environmental Services locally at (661) 414-8731 or toll-free at 1-866-356-8433. To learn more about the origins and impacts of mold, as well as a compilation of all of our environmental services, visit our mold inspection & mold testing services page. Whether your mold problem is mild or severe, Indoor-Restore Environmental Services guarantees you the best mold inspection consultants and mold testing services to aid you in your present and future environmental needs in professional, recreational, or residential properties.
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