Mold Removal & Mold Remediation for Santa Clarita Residents
The third largest city in Los Angeles County, Santa Clarita is home to over 170,000 residents. Some of the longer-term residents remember wildfires, earthquakes, flooding, and even the occasional snow fall while living in its Mediterranean climate zone. With winter comes mild temperatures and moist weather, which can create the perfect environment for mold to grow and spread. Outside, mold is of little concern. However, when it begins to flourish in your home or business – often without your knowledge – it can quickly become a health concern and cause damage.
[tagline_box backgroundcolor=”” shadow=”no” shadowopacity=”0.1″ border=”1px” bordercolor=”” highlightposition=”top” link=”/contact-us” linktarget=”_self” buttoncolor=”default” button=”Call for an estimate” title=”Keep your property’s indoor environment safe” description=”Indoor-Restore has 20 years of experience with ongoing training with experts who are all trained and certified. ” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″][/tagline_box]The eventful city of Santa Clarita boasts an area of over 62 square miles and almost 60,000 households. Over the years, residents of the city in the valley have endured more than their fair share of disasters, but the worst was the dam collapse in 1928. Touted as the second worst disaster in California’s history, and commonly referred to as the “worst civil engineering failure of the 20th century,” the collapse of the St. Francis dam claimed nearly 600 lives as the sudden release of a wall of water thundered toward the Pacific Ocean; it took five hours for the water to finally dump into the sea.
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Fifty years later, the city endured the Sylmar earthquake in 1971. Twenty years after the ’71 earthquake, the Northridge quake of 1994 shook the city as residents witnessed widespread devastation of many businesses, residences, and freeways. True to their natural propensity to carry-on, the residents set to rebuilding their beautiful town and preparing for the next disaster, which most likely would be a wildfire.
Wildfires are commonplace in the Santa Clarita Valley. Generally understood as one of the top areas in the country for wildfire activity, people here have experienced fires in 2001, 2002 twice, 2003 two times, 2004, 2007 three times, 2008, 2009, and 2013. The hot climate of late summer along with the dry hills covered in chaparral and brush create a deadly tinderbox waiting to ignite.
[wc_row][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”first”]When moisture finds its way into wall cavities, ceiling areas, and crawlspaces it can encourage widespread mold growth. Typically, by the time to you see the mold, it has already taken root somewhere out of your sight. Whether your home or building has experienced a flood or slow water leak, a professional assessment and cleanup is only a phone call away. Indoor-Restore understands how to find, test, and remove the mold from your structure, so you can breathe easier. The first step is to call for a free estimate. Our professional mold removal contractors are experts at identifying mold and issues that create a mold-friendly environment.
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If you do have mold, we can help return your building to a safe place to live and work through mold removal and mold remediation. We utilize a five step mold removal protocol to ensure you receive the very best service available. Once the mold contaminated areas are identified, we contain the area and use special machines known as negative air machines to keep the air from the contained area from crossing into clean areas. In other words, the mold removal work area is put under negative pressure, which means air can only come in not out. The negative air machines filter the air through HEPA filters, which remove 99.97 percent of all air particulates, and the filtered air is vented to the outside.
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[/wc_column][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”last”]After the work area is contained, we clean or remove items that are contaminated with mold. This may include removing materials such as drywall, carpet, and other construction materials. We clean personal items or dispose of them; however, we will never throw out personal items without consulting you first. Following the mold removal process, our team of experts will treat the affected areas with hospital grade biocide or green treatment, decontaminate the entire containment area, and seal the space with a special anti-fungal encapsulate.
[/wc_column][/wc_row] After the mold removal work area is dry, we ensure the air is clean and safe to breathe by taking samples. This process is called clearance testing. The samples are analyzed by a third-party laboratory. When the samples come back “clean,” our mold removal team removes the containment structure leaving you with a safe place to live and work.
From beginning to completion, our certified mold removal consultants will keep you in the loop as to how the project is progressing and answer any questions you may have.
Once the mold removal project is complete, we guarantee our work for 10 years. We not only care about your safety today but your future safety as well.
[tagline_box backgroundcolor=”” shadow=”no” shadowopacity=”0.1″ border=”1px” bordercolor=”” highlightposition=”top” link=”” linktarget=”_self” buttoncolor=”” button=”” title=”” description=”Common issues that encourage mold growth are water leaks, flooding events, and leaking roofs.” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″][/tagline_box]We are proud to offer mold removal services with our team of experts, who are all trained to the latest industry standards and state-of-the-art methodologies. With nearly 20 years of industry experience and ongoing training, we do everything within our power to ensure our clients are satisfied with the final outcome.
Many of our mold removal clients have their work done as part of an insurance claim. The Indoor-Restore team is accustomed to working with insurance companies, and we are happy to act as a liaison between you and your insurance claims adjuster.
[wc_divider style=”dotted” line=”single” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””]Los Angeles County | Valencia